Thursday, August 13, 2009
2 years!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Court Update!
As for Aaden & Abigail we are almost complete! I talked to the attorney's office last week and they were sending all the paperwork to us to sign and that we should have a court date sometime in the next 2 months.
We are getting there! Slowly but surely!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
I Heart Faces week- 27 Sports in Action

Stop on by at http://www.iheartfaces.blogspot.com/ to check out all the other enteries.
Please leave me a comment. I love to hear what other people think and who all is stopping by.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I Heart Faces week 25- Wedding Bells

This was a photograph I took at my very first wedding I photographed. I captured this portrait and LOVED how it turned out. I was so nervous but I am glad the bride and groom and their family had so much confidence in me and they turned out great. It was at this wedding I realized how much I loved photographing weddings and have done quite a few lately. In fact I am headed to Hawaii in just a couple days to photograph a wedding. I can't wait.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Abigail
So since Disneyland was offering free tickets for your birthday we decided to give Abigail a choice of a birthday party or go to Disneyland! She decided on Disneyland!!! We had so much fun! Every corner we turned the cast members were telling her happy birthday and she LOVED the attention!
We finally got in the park and we saw

After riding a bunch of rides Uncle Brandon wanted to buy
Abigail Mickey Ears with Abigail on them!
These are the ears she chose!
Then Uncle Brandon wanted to treat her to something special. After she got her face painted was may favorite part of the day! It was the longest line we stood in all day but Abigail wanted to do it so did! We went to the Princess Court! She got to meet 3 princesses, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel (her favorites) and Belle! We didn't tell her what princesses would be there cause they rotated quite often. So when we got to the front of the line the guy made Abigail close her eyes and lead her to the first princess which was Sleeping Beauty! She is her all time favorite! Needless to say it was AMAZING! I know she loved i but so did I!
Abigail with Sleeping Beauty
So most people know that I LOVE Ariel! She is my all time favorite disney character! And yesterday she was amazing! I mean I know its just someone dressed up like her but man it is just magical at Disneyland! So Abigail has this thing about sitting like a mermaid when taking pictures! It all started in August of last year when she was in a wedding and now almost every time she takes pictures she wants to sit like Ariel! So in the picture above you can see she is sitting like a mermaid! Well we told Ariel that so she said lets sit on the floor and sit like mermaids! I am not kidding you I almost cried! I was so caught up in the moment I forgot to take a picture with her myself :(

Abigail and Ariel being mermaidsAbigail and Belle

Mommy, Aaden and Daddy with Abigail

Uncle Brandon, Cameron, Sissy, Nana and Papa

Abigail's presents from Nana and Papa
Big Day for Bug!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009
I heart faces week 17-hats
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Easter 2009
Gavin Michael
Abbie MaelenaCan you say drama??
Aaden Romeo
The kids with the easter bunny!
6 months old and a lost tooth!!!
Gavin is 6 months old

It's offical Aaden lost his first tooth!
He is so excited! We told him to go eat an apple cause the tooth was really loose! So thats what he did and the next thing you see is his tooth fly out! We are excited that the grill is slowly leaving!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
On the home front we are doing well! Gavin had a court date in late January and it didn't go how we wanted exactly but such is life I guess! We were hoping that the mom would finish signing the relinquishment papers and if that didn't happen that they would fast track him! Well neither happened! As of right now it's gonna be a long process like Aaden and Abbie's has been! So for whatever reason God wants us here right now! not sure why but we are here!!!
On January 23rd Aaden turned 6! I can not believe he is 6 already! We had a great b-day party on the 24th and just celebrated him getting older! On the 23rd we also got to celebrate Aaden and Abbie being with us for 2 years now! I am just amazed at how much they have changed in 2 years! I thank God everyday He blessed our lives with our kids! I know this wasn't the road I had ever planned for my life! But everyday I am so thankful that God knows what is best for us because I LOVE my kids and we had to go thru the things we have gonna through to have them!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Aaden & Abbie's Update
Well tomorrow is Gavin's court date so please keep it in your prayers!
Other than that we are doing well! We are getting ready for Aaden's birthday! I can't believe he is gonna be 6 already! And that they have been apart of our family for 2 years now! I am amazed!
Have a blessed day!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Update on Gavin's case and latest Dr's Appt.
During the exam the doctor did find a heart murmer so he had to have a chest xray this morning too! So we are praying that God would just take care of his little heart murmer.
Other than that he is doing just great!
I just got a court update on Gavin! We need some big time prayer! Everything is still looking good but it is looking like this could be a long case! Here are the possibilities!
I guess they had begun the relinquishment process with Gavin's biological mother and they recently have been trying to get ahold of the mom and they have been unable to contact her! This creates a problem or can I should say! We want this adoption to just become a for sure thing!
1. If they get ahold of mom they can have her finish the relinquishment paperwork! That would free him for adoption and we would finally be able to move forward with the adoption! Which they say he would be adopted by the time he is 1!
2. If they can not find mother they will go to court and give her reunification services and begin a du-diligance on her! basically that is the process of finding her! This will take a minium of 6 months! If at that time they still haven't found her they will do a publication which is another 90 days! If at that time still nothing they will move forward with terminating rights and we would be able to move into adoption which takes 6-12 months to complete! If this is the process we go thru with Gavin he will be a year old by the time they are ready to terminate rights from a mother who wanted it to happen from the get go! And he would be almost 2 by the time his adoption was complete!
3. But we did hear that the judge has every capability to put Gavin on a fast track which means they go straight to termination of parental rights! This would free him up for adoption! They say fast track kids take about 6 months to complete!
So we are asking that you pray either the first scenario or the third scenario happens! We want to avoid the second completely!
When Aaden and Abby came to us their next court day was supposed to be termination of parental rights and now almost 2 years later we are STILL trying to terminate parental rights! We actually go to court tomorrow Jan. 6th and we are supposed to be terminating parental rights! But just last week we were told there is a good chance for another 90 day continuation! For something that is so dumb!!! So we really dont want to go thru this with Gavin too! It is a horrible emotional roller coaster and we are ready to get off!!